Atty. Remziye Ozlcelik of the Gelincik Center of the Ankara Bar Association speaks during the Philippine Embassy’s Talk on Ending Violence against Women and Children on 8 December 2019 at the Zulfu Livenelli Kultur Merkezi of the Cankaya Belediyesi (Municipality) in Ankara, Turkey.

13 December 2019 - The Philippine Embassy in Ankara, in support of the worldwide campaign on violence against women and children, organized a Talk on Ending Violence against Women and Children (End VAWC) on 8 December 2019 at the Zulfu Livanelii Kuktur Merkezi, Cankaya, Ankara Turkey.

Members of the Gelincik Center of the Ankara Bar Association, namely: Atty Selin Ozpek, Vice President and Atty. Remziye Ozlcelik, member, served as resource persons for the campaign. The event was attended by more than 100 members of the Filipino community in Turkey, including Embassy personnel and family members.

Members of the Gelincik Center of the Ankara Bar Association, namely: Atty Selin Ozpek, Vice President and Atty. Remziye Ozcelik, defined violence against women and its types, actions that can be taken by victims in Turkey as well as the legislative reforms to tackle violence against women (see Annex A for details). Highlights were, as follows:

  • The Gencilik Center maintains a 24/7 hotline 444 0643 with volunteer lawyers who can offer free legal aid;
  • Turkey’s Law No. 6284 (Special Law on the Protection of Family and Preventing Violence Against Women)
  • Protection measures for the victims and Preventive measures against the perpetrators of violence; and
  • Who can file the complaints and which institutions can victims turn to for assistance;

An open forum ensued after the presentations. The talk was then followed by a recognition ceremony for members of the Filipino community who had contributed the success of Embassy events such as the Philippine Cultural Day in June 2019, the diplomatic reception to commemorate 70 years of diplomatic relations with Turkey on November 2019 and the Philippine participation in the Cankaya Municipality’s Ekmek (Bread) Festival on 15-16 November 2019 and the DMEDD Bazaar in 1 December 2019. The event was capped with a year-end potluck and get together, consisting of singing and dancing, to celebrate the coming holidays. END


Atty. Selin Ozpek, Vice President of the Gelincik Center of the Ankara Bar Association speaks during the Philippine Embassy’s Talk on Ending Violence against Women and Children on 8 December 2019 at the Zulfu Livenelli Kultur Merkezi of the Cankaya Belediyesi (Municipality) in Ankara, Turkey.


H.E. Ambassador Raul S. Hernandez, Ms. Ana Hernandez, and speakers from the Gelincik Center of the Ankara Bar Association join members of the Philippine Embassy and the Filipino community in Turkey to join the global campaign to End Violence against Women and Children on 8 December 2019 at the Zulfu Livenelli Kultur Merkezi of the Cankaya Belediyesi (Municipality) in Ankara, Turkey.


H.E. Ambassador Raul S. Hernandez addresses the audience in the Talk on Ending Violence against Women and Children on 8 December 2019 at the Zulfu Livenelli Kultur Merkezi of the Cankaya Belediyesi (Municipality) in Ankara, Turkey.


An OFW raises a question on the cause of violence in Turkey to speakers from the Ankara Bar Association during the Talk on Ending Violence against Women and Children on 8 December 2019 at the Zulfu Livenelli Kultur Merkezi of the Cankaya Belediyesi (Municipality) in Ankara, Turkey.


H.E. Ambassador Raul S. Hernandez raises a question on illegal migrant workers falling victim to violence to speakers from the Ankara Bar Association during the Talk on Ending Violence against Women and Children on 8 December 2019 at the Zulfu Livenelli Kultur Merkezi of the Cankaya Belediyesi (Municipality) in Ankara, Turkey.


H.E. Ambassador Raul S. Hernandez and Ms. Ana Hernandez recognizes the active participation of members of the community who had contributed the success of Embassy events on 8 December 2019 at the Zulfu Livenelli Kultur Merkezi of the Cankaya Belediyesi (Municipality) in Ankara, Turkey.


H.E. Ambassador Raul S. Hernandez and Ms. Ana Hernandez celebrate with the Filipino community for a year end gathering on 8 December 2019 at the Zulfu Livenelli Kultur Merkezi of the Cankaya Belediyesi (Municipality) in Ankara, Turkey.


H.E. Ambassador Raul S. Hernandez and Ms. Ana Hernandez celebrate with the Filipino community for a year end gathering on 8 December 2019 at the Zulfu Livenelli Kultur Merkezi of the Cankaya Belediyesi (Municipality) in Ankara, Turkey.