The newly formed ASEAN Ladies Circle [ALC] in Ankara held its first general assembly on 23 January 2020 at One Tower, Oran, Ankara. The well-attended luncheon gathering was hosted by its first President, Madam Ana Algabre Hernandez, wife of the Philippine Ambassador to Turkey Raul S. Hernandez.

The ALC was formed by the wives of the Heads of Posts of ASEAN countries in Ankara, namely: Mme. Ana Algabre Hernandez of the Philippines [President], Mme. Elma Darlini Sulaiman of Brunei Embassy [Vice President], Mme. Sinta M. Iqbal of Indonesia Embassy, Mme. Chew Szee-Tow of Singapore Embassy and Mme. Dang Thi Kim Yen of Vietnam Embassy. Its aim is to encourage social and cultural exchanges, strengthen solidarity, understanding, cooperation among ASEAN ladies in Ankara and the whole of Turkey, as well as to help promote ASEAN in Turkey.

The ALC is composed of the wives of the ASEAN Ambassadors, as well as the female personnel and dependents of ASEAN Embassies in Ankara.


Wives of the ALC Heads of Missions with Madam Ana Algabre-Hernandez at the center flanked from l-r by Mme. Chew Szee-Tow of Singapore Embassy, Mme. Sinta M. Iqbal of Indonesia Embassy, Mme. Elma Darlini Sulaiman of Brunei Embassy, and Mme. Dang Thi Kim Yen of Vietnam Embassy



Madam Ana Hernandez of the Philippines giving her welcome remarks and introduction of ALC



Wives of the ALC Heads of Missions giving the token of appreciation to the winner of the ALC logo contest. From l-r with Mme. Elma Darlini of Brunei Embassy, Mme Chew Szee-Tow of Singapore Embassy, Mme. Sinta M. Iqbal of Indonesia Embassy, Mrs Genni Septya Mariyam of Indonesia, winner of the ALC logo contest, Mme. Dang Thi Kim Yen of Vietnam Embassy and Mme. Ana Hernandez of the Philippines



Enjoying the photobooth corner from l-r were: Mrs Bang-orn Sevikul of Thailand Embassy, Mme. Sinta M. Iqbal of Indonesia Embassy, Mme. Ana Hernandez of the Philippines, Mme. Chew Szee-Tow of Singapore Embassy, Mme. Dang Thi Kim Yen of Vietnam Embassy and Mme. Elma Darlini Sulaiman of Brunei Embassy